Publications by Dr. Fuentes
# postdoctoral fellow, ** graduate student and *undergraduate student author under Dr. Fuentes supervision. See Google Scholar
103. # Cullen, Joshua A., Camila Domit, Margaret M. Lamont, Christopher D. Marshall, Armando JB Santos, Christopher R. Sasso, Mehsin Al Ansi, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. . (2024). A comparative framework to develop transferable species distribution models for animal telemetry data. Ecosphere 15, no. 12 (2024): e70136.
102. Smith Justin S., Limpus Colin J., Shimada Takahiro, Booth Laurie, Hinchliffe Eve C., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Loban Frank, Preston Shane, Hamann Mark (2024) Foraging habitat locations of flatback (Natator depressus) and olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in northern Australia. Wildlife Research 51, WR24054.
101. Saltzman, J., Hearn, A. R., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. ., Steiner, T., Arauz, R., Macdonald, C., Heidemeyer, M., & White, E. R. (2024). Multidecadal underwater surveys reveal declines in marine turtles. Conservation Science and Practice, e13249
100. #Silver-Gorges, I., Shamblin, B. M., Ashford, M., Bower, P., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2024). Potential drivers and implications of a balanced breeding sex ratio in a small population of an imperiled species with environmental sex determination. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70166.
99. Cleguer C., Garrigue C., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M., Payri C., Marsh H. (2024) Temporal changes in habitat use by dugongs in a spatially restricted coral reef environment. Pacific Conservation Biology 30.
98. Gama LR, Seminoff JA, Lemons GE, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Pellizzari, F., Meira-Filho, M. R. C., Rosa, L., Vélez-Rubio, G. M., da Silveira, E. L., & Domit, C. (2024). Diet composition of juvenile green turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: long-term insights from a beach stranding program. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 727:159-179.
97. **Hardin E. E., Cullen J. A. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2024). Comparing acoustic and satellite telemetry: an analysis quantifying the space use of Chelonia mydas in Bimini, Bahamas. R. Soc. Open Sci. 11:231152. 231152.
96. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Santos, A. J. B., Abreu-Grobois, A., Briseño-Dueñas, R., Al-Khayat, J., Hamza, S., ... & Monsinjon, J. R. (2024). Adaptation of sea turtles to climate warming: Will phenological responses be sufficient to counteract changes in reproductive output? Global Change Biology. 30, e16991.
95. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , McMichael E., Kot C.Y., Silver-Gorges I. and others (2023) Key issues in assessing threats to sea turtles: knowledge gaps and future directions. Endang Species Res 52:303-341.
94. JB Santos, A., Cullen, J., Vieira, D.H.G., Lima, E.H., Quennessen, V., Santos, E.A.P.D., Bellini, C., Ramos, R. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. . (2023) Decoding the internesting movements of marine turtles using a finescale behavioral state approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, p.1229144
93. **Weber, S., Cullen, J. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. . (2023). Isotopic niche overlap among foraging marine turtle species in the Gulf of Mexico. Ecology and Evolution, 13(11), e10741.
92. Ceriani, S. A., Murasko, S., Addison, D. S., Anderson, D., Curry, G., Desjardin, N. A., ... Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , ... & Casale, P. (2023). Monitoring population-level foraging distribution of a marine migratory species from land: strengths and weaknesses of the isotopic approach on the Northwest Atlantic loggerhead turtle aggregation. Frontiers in Marine Science.
91. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Beckwidth, V., Ware. M. (2023). The Effects of Microplastic on the Thermal Profile of Sand: Implications for Marine Turtle Nesting Grounds. Frontiers in Marine Science.
90. Rivas, M., Rodriguez-Caballero, E., Steban, N., Carpio, A., Barreu, B., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Roberston, K., Azanza, J., Leon, Y., Ortega, Z. (2023). Uncertain future for global sea turtle populations in face of sea level rise. Scientific Reports, 13:5277.
89. **Weber, S.M., Ceriani, S.A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2023). Foraging ecology of Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) turtles in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: insights from stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology. 170:104 .
88. **Sella, K.A.N., #Ware, M., Ceriani, S. A., Desjardin, N., Eastman, S., Addison, D., Kraus, M., Trindell, R., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2023). Urban pocket beaches as nesting habitat for marine turtles: Their importance and risk from inundation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 41.
87. **Hooper, L. K., Tyson Moore, R. B., Boucquey, N., McHugh, K. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2023). Compliance of dolphin ecotours to marine mammal viewing guidelines. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(5), 1142 -1160.
86. **Silver-Gorges, I., Ceriani, S. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2023). Fine-scale intraspecific niche partitioning in a highly mobile, marine megafauna species: implications for ecology and conservation. Royal Society Open Science.
85. *Kynoch, C., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Dutton, P., LaCasella, E. L., & **Silver-Gorges, I. (2022). Origins of juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Bahamas: a comparison of recent and historical rookery contributions. Ecology and Evolution, 12.
84. Jensen, M. P., Eguchi, T., FitzSimmons, N. N.,McCarthy, M. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann, M., Limpus, C. J., Bell, I. P., Read, M. A (2022). Integrating climate change and management scenarios in population models to guide the conservation of marine turtles. Bulletin of Marine Science 98 (2), 131-154
83. Kot. C.Y. e.t al., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. ., Halpin, P.N. (2022). Network analysis of sea turtle movements and connectivity: a tool for conservation prioritization. Diversity and Distribution. 00, 1– 20
82. van Zinnicq Bergmann, M.P.M., Guttridge, T.L, Smukall, M.J., Adams, V.M. , Bond, M.E., Burke, P.J.,Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Heinrichh, D.D.U., Huveneers, C., Gruber, S.H., Papastamatiou, Y.P (2022).Using movement models and systematic conservation planning to inform marine protected area design for a multi-species predator community. Biological Conservation. 266, 109469
81. **Walton, B.W., Cotton, C.F., Gandy, D.A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2022). Determining the influence of abiotic factors on spatial-temporal patterns of marine catfish (family: Ariidae) within the Apalachicola Bay System, Florida. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
80. **Hardin, E.E., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). A systematic review of acoustic telemetry as a tool to gain insights into marine turtles ecology and aid their conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8(1649).
79. Gama, L.R., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Trevizani, T. H., Pellizzari,F., Lemons, G.E., Seminoff, J.A., Domit, C. (2021).Trophic ecology of juvenile green turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: insights from stable isotope analysis and niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
78. Siegfried, T., Noren, C., Reimer, J., Ware, M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Piacenza, S. E. (2021). Insights Into Sea Turtle Population Composition Obtained with Stereo-Video Cameras in situ Across Nearshore Habitats in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(1501).
77. **Santos, A. J. B., Vieira, D. H. G., Bellini, C., Corso, G., A. Ceriani, S., & Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Using data from nesting beach monitoring and satellite telemetry to improve estimates of marine turtle clutch frequency and population abundance. Marine Biology, 168(12)
76. **Santos, A. J. B., Bellini, C., Santos, E. A. P., Sales, G., Ramos, R., Vieira, D. H. G., . . . Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Effectiveness and design of marine protected areas for migratory species of conservation concern: A case study of post-nesting hawksbill turtles in Brazil. Biological Conservation, 261, 109229.
75. #Ware, M., Ceriani, S. A., Long, J. W., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Exposure of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nests to Waves in the Florida Panhandle. Remote Sensing, 13(14).
74. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Meletis, Z. A., Wildermann, N. E., Ware, M. (2021). Conservation interventions to reduce vessel strikes on marine turtles: A case study in Florida. Marine Policy, 128, 104471.
73. **Silver-Gorges, I., Ceriani, S. A., Ware, M., Lamb, M., Lamont, M., Becker, J., . . . Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Using systems thinking to inform management of imperiled species: A case study with marine turtles. Biological Conservation, 260, 109201.
72. Siegfried, T. R., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Ware, M., Robinson, N. J., Roberto, E., Piacenza, J. R., Piacenza, S. E. Validating the use of stereo-video cameras to conduct remote measurements of marine turtles. Ecology and Evolution , 11: 8226– 8237.
71. Patrício, A. R., Hawkes, L. A., Monsinjon, J. R., Godley, B. J., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Climate change and marine turtles: recent advances and future directions. Endangered Species Research, 44, 363-395.
70. Nelms, S. E., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Arnould, J. P. Y., Avila, I. C., Bengtson Nash, S., Campbell, E., ....... Fuentes, M. M. P. B. . . . Godley, B. J. (2021). Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon. Endangered Species Research, 44, 291-325.
69. **Silver-Gorges, I., Ingels, J., dos Santos, G. A. P., Valdes, Y., Pontes, L. P., Silva, A. C., . . . Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2021). Epibionts reflect spatial and foraging ecology of Gulf of Mexico loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9(388).
68**. Gillis, A.J., Wildermann, N.E., Ceriani, S.A., Seminoff, J.A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2020) Evaluating different spatial scales of forage item availability to determine diet selection of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Marine Biology 167, 170.
67.** Putillo, A. R. Flint, M., Seminoff, J., Spencer, R.G.M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2020). Plasma biochemistry profiles of juvenile green turtles from the Bahamas with potential influence of diet. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 56(4), 768-780.
66.**Lovemore, T. E. J., Montero, N., Ceriani, S. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2020). Assessing the effectiveness of different marine turtle nest protection strategies against coyotes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 533, 151470.
65. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Allstadt, A. J., Ceriani, S. A., Godfrey, M. H., Gredzens, C., Helmers, D., Ingram, D., Pate, M., Radeloff, V. C., Shaver, D.J., Wildermann, N., Taylor, L., Bateman, B. L. (2020). Potential adaptability of marine turtles to climate change may be hindered by coastal development in the USA. Regional Environmental Change, 20(3), 104. doi:10.1007/s10113-020-01689-4
64. Mills, M., Magris, R. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Bonaldo, R., Herbst, D. F., Lima, M. C. S., . . . de Freitas, R. R. (2020). Opportunities to close the gap between science and practice for Marine Protected Areas in Brazil. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. doi:
63. Ingels, J.; Valdes, Y.; Pontes, L.P.; Silva, A.C.; Neres, P.F.; Corrêa, G.V.V.; Silver-Gorges, I.; Fuentes, M. M. P. B. ; Gillis, A.; Hooper, L.; Ware, M.; O’Reilly, C.; Bergman, Q.; Danyuk, J.; Sanchez Zarate, S.; Acevedo Natale, L.I.; dos Santos, G.A.P. (2020). Meiofauna Life on Loggerhead Sea Turtles-Diversely Structured Abundance and Biodiversity Hotspots That Challenge the Meiofauna Paradox. Diversity 12, 203.
62. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Wildermann, N., Gandra, T.B.R., Domit, C. (2020). Cumulative threats to juvenile green turtles in the coastal waters of southern and southeastern Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 29,1783-1803.
61. **Ware, M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2020). Leave No Trace ordinances for coastal species management: influences on marine turtle nesting success. Endangered Species Research 41,197-207.
60. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Godfrey, M.H., Shaver, D., Ceriani, S., Gredzens, C., Boettcher, R., Ingram, D., Ware, M., Wildermann, N., (2019). Exposure of Marine Turtle Nesting Grounds to Named Storms Along the Continental USA. Remote Sensing 11, 2996.
59. Monsinjon, J. R., Wyneken, J., Rusenko, K., Lopez, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., Marcovaldi, M. A. G., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Kaska, Y., Tucek, J., Nel, R., Williams, K. L., LeBlanc, A., Rostal, D., Guillon, J., & Girondot, M. (2019). The climatic debt of loggerhead marine turtle populations in a warming world. Ecological Indicators, 107, 105657.
58. *Drobes, E. M., Ware, M., Beckwith, V. K., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Beach Crabbing as a Possible Hindrance to Loggerhead Marine Turtle Nesting Success. Marine Turtle Newsletter, 159, 1-4.
57. **Nelson Sella, K. A, & Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Using expert opinion to prioritize impacts of coastal construction on marine turtle nesting grounds. Coastal Management. doi:10.1080/08920753.2019.1642176.
56. Monsinjon, J., Lopez, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., Marcovaldi, M. A. G., Girondot, M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). The effects of temperature and demography on the nesting phenology of loggerhead turtles in Brazil. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 623, 209-219.
55. **Williams, J.L., Pierce, S.J., Hamann, M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Using expert opinion to identify and determine the relative impact of threats to marine turtles in Mozambique. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1– 13.
54. **Montero, N., P. S. Tomillo, V. S. Saba, M. A. G. dei Marcovaldi, M. López-Mendilaharsu, A. S. Santos, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Effects of local climate on loggerhead hatchling production in Brazil: Implications from climate change. Scientific Reports. 9:8861.
53.#Wildermann, N.E., Sasso, C.R., Stokes, L.W., Snodgrass, D., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Habitat use and behavior of multiple species of marine turtles at a foraging area in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 155.
52. **Ware, M., Long, J. W., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Using wave runup modeling to inform coastal species management: An example application for marine turtle nest relocation. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management. 173, 17-25.
51. Maxwell, S.M., Broderick, C.A., Dutton, P.H., Fossette-Halot, S., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. ., Reina, R. (2019). Editorial: Advances in the Biology and Conservation of Marine Turtles. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,9.
50.*Garrison, S., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Marine debris at nesting grounds used by the Northern Gulf of Mexico Loggerhead Recovery Unit. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139, 59-64.
49.**Nelson Sella, K. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Exposure of Marine Turtle Nesting Grounds to Coastal Construction: implications for management. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management, 169 182-190.
48. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Gillis, A.J., Ceriani, S.A., Guttridge, T. L., Van Zinnicq Bergmann, M.P.M., Smukall, M. Gruber, S.H., Wildermann, N. (2019). Delineating Marine Protected Areas in Bimini, Bahamas by considering hotspots for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Biodiversity and Conservation, 28,197–211.
47.**Ware, M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Potential for relocation to alter the incubation environment and productivity of marine turtle nests in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Chelonian Conservation Biology, 17, 252-262.
46. **Montero, N., Marcovaldi M.A.G., López-Mendilaharsu M., Santos A.S., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Warmer and wetter conditions will reduce offspring production of hawksbill turtles in Brazil under climate change. Plos One 13(11). pone.0204188
45. #Wildermann, N.E., Gredzens, C., Avens, L., Barrios-Garrido, H.A., Bell, I., Blumenthal, J., Bolten, A.B., Braun McNeill, J., Casale, P., Di Domenico, M., Domit, C.A., Epperly, S.P., Godfrey, M.H., Godley, B.J., Carman, V.G., Hamann, M., Hart, K.M., Ishihara, T., Mansfield, K., Metz, T.L., Miller, J.D., Pilcher, N.J., Read, M.A., Sasso, C., Seminoff, J.A., Seney, E.E., Southwood Williard, A., Tomás, J., Vélez-Rubio, G.M., Ware, M., Williams, J.L., Wyneken, J., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Informing research priorities for immature marine turtles through expert elicitation. Endangered Species Research.
44.**Montero, N., Ceriani, S.A., Graham, K., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Influences of the local climate on loggerhead hatchling production in North Florida: Implications from climate change. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 262.
43. **Gillis, A. J., Ceriani, S. A., Seminoff, J. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Foraging ecology and diet selection of juvenile green turtles in the Bahamas: insights from stable isotope analysis and prey mapping. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599, 225-238.
42. #Wildermann, N. Sasso, C., Gredzens, C., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Assessing the effect of recreational scallop harvest on the distribution and behavior of foraging marine turtles. Oryx, 1-8.
41. *Beckwith, V. K. and Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). Microplastic at nesting grounds used by the northern Gulf of Mexico loggerhead recovery unit. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131, 32-37.
40.** Ware M, and Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018). A comparison of methods used to monitor groundwater inundation of marine turtle nests. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 503, 1-7.
39.**Riskas, K. A., Tobin, R., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann, M. (2018). Using expert opinion to evaluate the threat of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing to marine turtles: a case study in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. Biological Conservation, 217, 232-239.
38. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Monsinhon, J., Lopez, M., Lara, P., Santos, A., Marcovaldi, M. A. G., Girondot, M. (2017). Sex ratio estimates for species with temperature-dependent sex determination differ according to the proxy used. Ecological Modelling. 365, 55-67.
37. **Cleguer, C., Garrigue, C., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Everingham, H., Hagihara, R., Hamann, M., Payri, C., Marsh, H. (2017) Drivers of change in the relative abundance of dugongs in New Caledonia. Wildlife Research.
36. Tyson, R., Piniak, W. E. D., Domit, C., Mann, D., Hall, M., Nowacel, D. P., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2017) Applications for studying fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles in response to sound. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4, 219.
35. **Wildermann, N., Critchell, K., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Limpus, C., Wolanski, E., Hamann, M. (2017) Does behavior affect the dispersal of flatback post-hatchlings in the Great Barrier Reef? Royal Society Open Science 4 (5), 170164
34. **Williams J, Pierce, S J., Rohner, C. A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann, M. (2017). Spatial distribution and residency of green and loggerhead marine turtles using coastal reef habitats in southern Mozambique . Frontiers in Marine Science. 3:288.
33. Rees, A. F., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Barata, P. C. R., Bjorndal, K. A., Bolten, A. B., Bourjea, J., Broderick, A. C., Campbell, L. M., Cardona, L., Carreras, C., Casale, P., Ceriani, S. A., Dutton, P. H., Eguchi, T., Formia, A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Fuller, W. J., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M. H., Hamann, M., Hart, K. M., Hays, G.C., Hochscheid, S., Kaska, Y., Jensen, M.P., Mangel, J. C., Mortimer, J.A., Naro-Maciel, E., W. J. Nichols, W. J., Phillott, A. D., Reina, R.D., Revuelta, O., Schofield, G., Seminoff, J.A., Shanker, K., Tomás, J., van de Merwe, J.P., Van Houtan, K.S., Vander Zanden, H. B., Wallace, B. P., WedemeyerStrombel, K.R., Work, T. M., Godley, B. J. (2016) Review: Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of marine turtles? Endangered Species Research Journal, 31, 337-382.
32. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Gredzens C, Bateman BL, Boettcher R, Ceriani SA, Godfrey MH, Helmers D, Ingram DK, Kamrowski RL, Pate MP, Pressey RL, Radeloff VC. (2016) Conservation hotspots for marine turtle nesting in the United States based on coastal development. Ecological Applications, 26, 2706-2717
31. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Delean S, Grayson J, Lavender S, Logan M, Marsh H. (2016) Spatial and temporal variation in the effects of climatic variables on dugong calf production. PlosOne 11(6): e0155675. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155675.
30. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Chambers LE, Chin A, Dann P, Dobbs K, Poloczanska E, Maison K, Turner M, Pressey RL, Marsh H (2016) Adaptive management of marine mega-fauna in a changing climate. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 21, 209- 224.
29. **Riskas KA, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamman M. (2016) Justifying the need for collaborative management of fisheries bycatch: a lesson from marine turtles in Australia. Biological Conservation, 196, 40-47.
28. Gama LR, Domit C, Broadhurst MK, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Millar RB. (2016) Green turtle Chelonia mydas foraging ecology at 25oS in the western Atlantic: evidence to support a feeding model driven by intrinsic and extrinsic variability? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 542, 209-219.
27. Marcovaldi MA, López-Mendilaharsu M, Santos AS, Gustave GL, Godfrey M, Tognin F, Baptistotte C, Thome JC, Dias ACC, Castilhos JC, & Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2016) Identification of loggerhead male producing beaches in the south Atlantic: Implications for conservation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 477, 14-22.
26. Cinner JE, Pratchett MS, Graham NAJ, Messmer V , Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Ainsworth T, Ban NC, et al. (2016) A framework for understanding climate change impacts on coral reef social-ecological systems. Regional Environmental Change. 16, 1133-1146.
25. **Williams JL, Pierce SJ, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M (2016) The tradition of take: marine turtle consumption in Dovela, Mozambique. African Sea Turtle Newsletter 5, 27- 31
24. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Bell I., Hagihara R., Hamann M., Hazel J., Huth A., Seminoff J., Sobtzick S., Marsh H. (2015). Improving in-water estimates of marine turtle abundance by adjusting aerial survey counts for perception and availability biases. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471, 77-83.
23. **Williams JL, Pierce SJ, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M (2015) Effectiveness of recreational divers for monitoring marine turtle populations. Endangered Species Research. 26, 209- 219.
22. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Blackwood J, Jones B, Kim M, Leis B, Limpus CJ, Marsh H, Mitchell J, Pouzols FM, Pressey RL, Visconti P (2015) A decision framework for prioritizing multiple management actions for threatened marine megafauna. Ecological Applications. 25, 200 -214.
21. **Jourdan J, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2015) Effectiveness of strategies to mitigate the impacts of projected changes in temperature on marine turtle reproductive output. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 20, 121- 133.
20. Zeh DR, Heupel MR, Limpus CJ, Hamann M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Babcock RC, Pillans RD, Townsend KA, Marsh H (2015) Is acoustic tracking appropriate for air-breathing marine animals? Dugongs as a case study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 464, 1-10.
19. Tallis H... Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , et al (2014) A call for inclusive conservation. Nature. 515, 27-28.
18. Marcovaldi MAG, Santos AJB, Santos AS, Soares LS, Lopez GG, Godfrey MH, López-Mendilaharsu M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2014) Spatio-temporal variation in the incubation duration and sex ratio of hawksbill hatchlings: implication for future management. Journal of Thermal Biology. 44, 70-77.
17. **Gredzens C, Hamann M, Marsh H, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Limpus CJ, Shimada T (2014) Satellite tracking of sympatric marine megafauna can inform the biological basis for species co-management. PlosONe. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098944.
16. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Pike DA, Dimatteo A, Wallace BP (2013) Resilience of marine turtle regional management units to climate change. Global Change Biology. 19, 1399–1406 .
15. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Porter W (2013) Using a microclimate model to evaluate impacts of climate change on marine turtles. Ecological Modelling, 251: 150-157.
14. Magris R, Mills M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Pressey B (2013) Analysis of progress towards a comprehensive system of marine protected areas in Brazil. Natureza & Conservação 11(1):1-7.
13. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Christophe C, Nikolai L, Guy B, David A, Hankin C, Phillip M, Shimada T, Whap T, Marsh H (2013) Adapting dugong catching techniques to different cultural and environmental settings. Marine Mammal Science, 29, 159-166.
12. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Fish M, Maynard J (2012) Management strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on marine turtle’s terrestrial reproductive phase. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 17, 51-63.
11. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Bateman, BL, and Hamann M (2011) Relationship between tropical cyclones and the distribution of marine turtle nesting grounds. Journal of Biogeography. 38, 1886-1896.
10. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Limpus CJ, Hamann M (2011) Vulnerability of marine turtle nesting grounds to climate change. Global Change Biology. 17, 140-153.
9. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Cinner JE (2010) Using expert opinion to prioritize impacts of climate change on marine turtles' nesting grounds. Journal of Environmental Management. 91, 2511-2518.
5. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Dawson J, Smithers S, Limpus CJ, Hamann M (2010) Sedimentological characteristics of key marine turtle rookeries: potential implications under projected climate change. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 6, 464- 473.
6. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Limpus CJ, Hamann M, Dawson J (2010) Potential impacts of projected sea level rise to marine turtle rookeries. Aquatic conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 20, 132-139. (In top 10 cited articles published in 2010-2011).
7. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M and Limpus CJ (2010) Past, current and future thermal profiles for green turtle nesting grounds: implications from climate change. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 383, 56-64.
8. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Abbs D (2010) Effects of projected changes in tropical cyclone frequency on marine turtles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 412, 283-292.
2. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Maynard JA, Guinea M, Bell IP, Werdell PJ, Hamann M (2009) Proxy indicators of sand temperature help project impacts of global warming on marine turtles. Endangered Species Research Journal 9, 33-40.
3. Cinner JE, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Randriamahazo H (2009) Exploring social resilience in Madagascar’s marine protected areas. Ecology and Society 14 (1), 41.
4. Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M (2009) A rebuttal to the claim natural beaches confer fitness benefits to nesting marine turtles. Biology letters, 5, 266-267.
Hilbert D. W., Hill R., Moran C., Turton, S. M., Bohnet I., Marshall N. A., Pert P. L., Stoeckl N., Murphy H. T., Reside A. E., Laurance S. G. W., Alamgir M., Coles R., Crowley G., Curnock M., Dale A., Duke N. C., Esparon M., Farr M., Gillet S., Gooch M., Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamman M., James C. S., Kroon F. J., Larson S., Lyons P., Marsh H., Meyer Steiger D., Sheaves M. & Westcott D. A. 2014. Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster Region. James Cook University, Cairns. P 170.
Hamann M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Ban N, Mocellin V (2013) Climate change and marine turtles. In: The biology of sea turtles (Eds. J Wyneken , KJ Lohmann, JA Musick). Vol 3. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Ranton, pp. 353- 378., ISBN 978-1-43-987307
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2012) Dhyum the dugong (2012) Reef & Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, Australia (32pp.). ISBN 978-1-921359-86-6 (pbk.).
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Hamann M, Lukoschek V (2012) Marine Reptiles and Climate Change. In A Marine Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report Card for Australia 2012 (Eds. ES Poloczanska, AJ Hobday and AJ Richardson). ISBN 978-0-643-10927-8.
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2010) Myrtle’s battle against climate change. Reef & Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, Australia (22pp.). ISBN 978-1-921359-42-2 (pbk.)
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Ware, M., Meletis, Z.A., Wildermann, N. (2019). Management Options to Reduce Sea Turtle Vessel Strikes in Southern Florida. Final Report NFWF. Florida State University, Tallahassee, 55 pp.
Wildermann N, Bevan E, Meletis ZA, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019) Management Options to Reduce Sea Turtle Vessel Strikes in Southern Florida. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.
Ware M, Long JW, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2018) Assessment of inundation threat to sea turtle nests to improve management practices in Alabama: final report to the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Montgomery, AL. 24 pp.
Ware M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2017) Assessing the need and implications of sea turtle nest relocation: technical report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Moss Point, MS. 28 pp.
Hamann, M., Preston, S., Smith, J., & Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2015). Nesting green turtles of Torres Strait. Report to the National Environmental Research Program (Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited). Cairns.
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. and Marsh H (2012) Informing dugong hunting management in Torres Strait by studying dugong movements and habitat usage. Final Report to the Australian Marine Mammal Centre (34pp.).
FitzSimmons NN, Jensen MP, Hamann M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , McCarthy M ( 2011) Population modeling of the northern Great Barrier Reef green turtle (Chelonia mydas) stock. Final Report to Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Kraft P, Liebsch N, et al (2010) Informing dugong hunting management in Torres Strait by studying dugong movements and habitat usage. Technical Report for James Cook University and Torres Strait Regional Authority (33pp.).
Hamann M, Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Marsh H (2010) Species of conservation concern. Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns (78pp.).
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2009). Hawksbill turtles at Masig Island . Technical report for the Torres Strait Regional Authority and Kailag Enterprises (11pp.).
Fuentes, M. M. P. B. , Dawson J, Smithers S, Hamann M (2007). Surficial carbonate facies across key rookeries for the northern Great Barrier Reef green turtle population stock. Technical report for the Environment Protection Agency (55pp.).